To help our physical clientele manage their precious metals price exposure, we can make available short term hedging facilities in all metals and across currencies. Our business covers all client types in the precious metals value chain from mining conglomerates and single mine production companies through the recyclers and onto the jewelery manufactures and Mints.


1 Producers

Mining clients have a natural exposure to market prices through their business activities.

Using MKS’ hedging tools, producers can take advantage of short term metal price or currency movements to secure a higher return on their production.

In addition, producers may look to purchase downside price protection to guarantee a minimum future price.

Consumers and Fabricators

2 Consumers and Fabricators

For consumers and industrial clients using metal output from our refineries in finished or semi finished forms, MKS also offers a variety of short term hedging strategies.

The purpose is to minimize exposure to volatile input prices and to keep the precious metal costs in their industrial processes at the lowest possible secured price level.

Our clients and partners can then focus on their core activities while we offer strategies and execution solutions to manage their commodity risk.